Our goal is to educate and empower people to be able to grow their own food and eat healthy
We hope the resources you find here will help you learn more about the nutritional benefits of local, organically-grown food and how we can break the cycle of ‘bad eating’.
Recommended Reading List
By Elliot Coleman
- The New Organic Grower
- The Four Season Harvest
- The Winter Growing Handbook
By Joel Salatin
- Folks This Ain’t Normal
- Pastured Poultry Profits
- You Can Farm
- Holy Cows and Hog Heaven
- Salad Bar Beef
- The Sheer Ecstasy of a Lunatic Farmer
- Everything I want to do is Illegal
- Family Friendly Farming
by Paul and Allison Wiediger
- Walking to Spring
by Andy Lee
- Backyard Market Gardening
Periodicals (magazines)
- Acres USA